I'll Take the Breaking
The darkness lays heavy on my chest.
I can barely breathe.
I can barely sing.
My eyes strain to see something, anything.
Fear pumps wildly through my veins.
All I see are projections of pain.
If I take a step forward
I could fall of a cliff.
But if I stay where I am
I'll be swallowed whole.
Nothing to grasp.
Nothing to hold.
So I cry out to You.
And I sing You my song.
Where are you, Lord?
I just want to see You.
A sliver of light,
The breeze of a whisper.
I see it now. I feel Him now.
What felt like death and pain
Was what it felt like to let go
Of all the plans I have
Of where I thought I'd go.
For what seemed to me a valley
Was what it felt like to be held.
What felt to me like breaking
Was really a breaking through.
For You know that the kindest thing to do
Often hurts the most.
To pry my fingers from the earthly
And rest them on Your glory.
I'll receive Your holding.
I'll let it all go.
To see the light, to hear the whisper;
I'll take the breaking.
