Rachel Haughton Wagner

About Rachel
A pastor’s kid from the Midwest, Rachel has written her way to the feet of Jesus. Her faith journey is documented in journal after journal. Songwriting, prayer journaling, poetry and prose became regular outlets for Rachel growing up. Her passion for writing led her to study worship and biblical studies at Liberty University where she met her husband of 14 years. Together they have grieved the unimaginable loss of six miscarriages in four years and celebrated the miracle of their two healthy children.
Rachel’s story of multiple miscarriages has given her the opportunity to be a broken vessel for God’s glory. Her testimony of faith has touched hundreds of hearts as she resonates with so many women.
Rachel loves being a worship pastor’s wife and a homeschool mom! You can often find her writing in her “thinking chair”, her fluffy golden doodle at her feet and a mug of steaming coffee in her hands while her two miracle children are off doing something most-likely creative and definitely messy. Rachel’s journey of faith-shaking suffering points her readers to a hope that does not disappoint - Jesus.